Jan. 09, 2006 - 11:15
i should take up golfing again.

disclaimer, please read

gosh i miss my stupid friend so much.

folks, remember a certain boy named daniel?

haha, i haven't written here in so long.

long story short, we've become close friends, i'm so fond of daniel.lion

he's found interest in my friend k. he came down from portland to see her yesterday.

i was so excited!

at first i saw her in the hall waiting for her to come out of the bathroom.

i looked at the line and said, "that will be another 40 minutes" and i laughed, all to myself.

i do that a lot. i laugh hysterically at jokes i make in my mind (yes, i'm ONE OF THOSE type of people haha.)

she came out blah blah blah we walked to her car, daniel drove us to a&w, he couldn't get the keys out of the ignition so i got out of the car (they missed their opportunity to drive off without me)and i went inside to go to the bathroom.

i soap i used smelt like beer. never wash your hands at the a&w in nyssa, oregon.

when i got out daniel asked me if i wanted anything, not in a "i see she doesn't have a purse and i guess i should be a gentlman so k will like me"

he asked me in a caring, that's my friend and i'll take care of her manner.

i told him no thanks. he asked if i was sure and i told him yes. he asked in such a concerned demeanor. moments like that are what i live for.

we then sat and made jokes, about k's "shakesperean soliloquay" and "cow and toothpick"

things that only friends can know, and he well deserved it.

afterwards we drove back...

we met up with some other friends. there was a moment when it was just daniel and i looking at each other. we took turns on distorting our faces. he's real funny looking when he tries.

i like my daniel boy and i hope he finds a girl that will care about him as much as i would if we didn't have this love/hate friendship.

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