Nov. 29, 2005 - 03:26
screw diaryland.

disclaimer, please read

my new favourite song in the whole entire world is "bonnie taylor" by hellogoodbye. i might post it on squareone. got that?

i unlocked this diary because i don't care who comes here and who cries after reading how pleasantly my life is going and that i'd never get over them-like i was ever (in david schwimmer and jennifer aniston style) "under them".

"My Bonnie, lies over the ocean, my Bonnie lies over the sea."

i have a friend name bonnie. her twin sister anna has just recently explained that it's not about some huge woman named bonnie that litteraly lies over the ocean.

i'm only here right now because diary-x is down right now. i'll never go back to this lame site. i can have all of the features i paid to have here free there.

well, with the exception of image loading, but with photobucket, i never cared.

can i tell you a secret? i'm amazed by my friends. i am their biggest fans. their strength, their achievements, their minds. i'm amazed.

i miss andrew. i miss silly dancing. i'm silly dancing to "bonnie taylor" right now. silly dancing.


hey, guess what? i'm in love. write me back.

love, me

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