Jul. 29, 2005 - 10:55
amazing night last night

disclaimer, please read

he holds me in his arms. i see the answers to my prayers in his eyes. when we kiss i feel like the last girl standing. my hands fit perfectly in his. we are like puzzle pieces.

he is the perfect height for me to put my head on his shoulder. he is the perfect consistency for his body to fit around mine. he has the perfect arms that can hold me tight.

when i am around him, i can sleep that night. i have phobias at night, very realistic ones. i don't like to take sleeping pills. perscription pills are bad all over. on days that i see him, i can fall right to bed, no matter what time it is.

on days i don't see him, i spend nights in my bed, shaking, worrying about waking up to the worst possible outcome.

last night we drove out to turners gulch. it was beautiful, absolutely breathe-taking. stunning. we swam to the dock together where we layed on our backs as we let the current gently rock as back and forth underneath the protection of the stars and it's galaxies.

they were so clear underneath the dark blue southern idaho sky.

"Where i laid and told you, but you swore you love me more...Do you care if I don't know what to say. Will you sleep tonight or will you think of me..."

it was so nice, just the two of us underneath the stars on the dock so far away from everything. life and it's cares, worries, everything.

we had silly fears that make me laugh now...such as the creature from the black lagoon walking out from the gulch and sharks eating us whole. there are no sharks in idaho. :)

afterwards, we drove to the doughnut shop. the one with the pink doughnuts that taste like pink and bliss. i had coffee. coffee helps my stomach. he still kisses me when i drink coffee. he says it's worth it.

there was this really creepy guy there. we were sitting and i was facing the door. this guy walks out the door, holds it open in place as he gives me the chin nod and the creepiest smile i've ever seen in my life. he wouldn't stop staring, i developed terror on my face, looked over at j. and whispered, "help me!"

j. quickly turned around and the guy ran out.

it was so crazy! :)

well, now i have about four desserts to bake for my friends party this evening :)

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