Jan. 15, 2005 - 20:04
work in progress

disclaimer, please read

my layout isn't complete (i know-i'm sorry). i just wanted to see how the martini image would look.

i've decided to stay with a glass of scotch. if i can't find one, i'll probably just pay a friend to take a picture.

the image seems sort of blurry to me, what do you think?

if it looks blurry to any one else i'll go into paint and fix it.


this boy i know and the ideas his mind gives birth to,

chaotic in conception, seeing him struggle, watching him pain,

but always so smooth in execution

so calm, so serene

, and always so lucrative.

cl, how do you do it?


i really do not have anything else to write so i'm going to leave you with a couple pictures i took today.

i warn you, there is a scary picture me at the bottom.

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oh, and i also purchased this little deck of "love recipes" recently.

there is beautiful artistry on each of the cards and cute little quotes, recipes, and romantic ideas on the back of each one.

i'm going to randomly pick a card out of the deck and keep it in the martini glass by my bedside each day.

i'll post what it says on the card each day on diaryland until i run out.

i don't have a scanner so i can't show the pictures on each of them, which dissapoints me, but i guess that's okay.

anyway, the one today says: whisper sweet nothings together whiper sweet nothings often. share loving secrets.

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