2004-12-16 - 2:24 p.m.

disclaimer, please read

a short update for the next two weeks:

i'm waiting for michelle to come home from college and going nuts at it. drive faster!

i'm so neurotic today. i've only had a few hours of sleep this week from panic attacks that have been occuring for the past couple of nights.

last night i know i only had about two and a half.

i stayed in chemistry twenty minutes after class ended.

i sat with a couple friends and i'm sure my instructor didn't notice until i got up and left.

yeah. friends. i hope they don't realize their cooler than me.

that's like my biggest lamest fear in life right now.

i just feel like everyone is going somewhere when i'm staying nowhere, like i've always been.

gawd, so many of my friends are absolutely amazing. these kids i know have the coolest skate/snowboard merch website i've ever seen and they're younger than me, a couple of my friends just got modelling jobs, a few of my friends are interns for very amazing people, one of my friends is now a professional web designer employed by some of the most prestigious names in the city...and the others, well, they're just awesome.

perfect personalities, outgoing, beautiful, fun to be around.

i just hope they never realize how really lame i am.

i feel so envious of my friends.

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