2004-11-28 - 5:13 p.m.
oh, this girl poison...

disclaimer, please read

megan, megan, megan.

i hope you didn't get the chance to read my last three entries.

very selfish, very immature, very intoxicated.

i'm going to erase a lot in the next few days and start this over,

with just quotes, stories, pictures,

and maybe, the occasional story-of-this-vulnerable-girl's-confusion.

i'm so tired, and i'm so ill from yesterday's cope of perscription medication.

a whole day's worth of norco isn't such a good idea in three hours.

my beautiful friend nicole was very understanding about that today.

she felt my forehead and told me i needed to go home and rest.

and so here i am resting and recooping. ready to start this over from scratch.

troy _______, i loved you while the time did last.

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