2004-09-11 - 11:26 p.m.
the city lights and the color of your eyes

disclaimer, please read

after attempting to keep an empty mind free of thoughts of you and how you've haunted my life, i showered.

not looking in the mirror even once afterwards (i have no need, you are the only one to look attractive to), i got dressed and called cl, whom i am still on a break with and asked if he wanted to eat dinner with me.

after debating meals i couldn't afford in my mind, such as the goudi over asparagus, we addressed ordering gourmet pizza.

after receiving our meals, we drove to this little park where nichole used to live.

it is a location where we used to spend romantic nights talking and not caring about anything except how the sky looked.

he talked, i listened, i inquired things i never cared to know before.

this was a first, and i was somewhat intrigued, for i did not own any caring intentions as i have before.

afterwards, we drove to arby's, as we were still hungry. we ate, in the bright lights of the plaza to the contrast of the dark idaho sky.

i jokingly told him eating in the parking lot tricked me into thinking we weren't in boise anymore. it was the bright lights.

he laughed at how desparately i want to get out of this city.

i laughed because i knew i wasn't really joking.

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