May. 06, 2005 - 23:32
"how did you walk out with the pineapple?"

disclaimer, please read

so this kid in my chem class walks in with a pineapple in his hand, a full-sized, uncut, raw, pineapple.

eyes adverted, "what are you doing with a pineapple."

"i went to this all-you-can-eat-buffet, and you can eat anything you see, well, i wanted some pineapple, so i told the people i wanted some pineapple. they go in the backroom, open up a can of diced pineapple and serve it to me. i tell them, 'this tastes like onions, why can't i have that one (pointing to the full pineapple.)?' they say it's because it's not ripe. f-that."

"so you stole the pineapple?"

"i didn't steal the pineapple, i purchased it. it's all-you-can-eat."

"but you can't just take the pineapple. how did you walk out with it?"

our teacher walks in.

dr. _____: "how did you shop-lift a pineapple?

"you must have been pretty hungry to shop-lift a pineapple."

i laughed like crazy. these kids i know, are all insane, but then again, i'm chocolate icecream and i stain everything.

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