May. 08, 2005 - 22:34

disclaimer, please read

the text in the black box on the left says, "i need you like the tides need the moon" in poor latin.

graduation is in two weeks, and frankly, i'm anxious, anxious about all the change going on around me.

i mean, i've lived in the same city for my whole life, i've "played school" for almost all of it.

now i get to play "grown-up" and get used to starting a life on my own.

i'm going to become a doctor. a whole medical professional with those two nice little letters on the end of my name.


that's all most of them do it for anyway, isn't it?

but what's harder on me is that a friend that i've known since birth is attending school practically in another state. (the college she is attending is four miles away from the state border.)

i'm so ambivalent, i mean, i like change, i like a challenge. it's all fun to me, but wow, it's time to "play adult and do the adult thing."

i'm still a child.

comment me up, i'd like to know your thoughts.

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