May. 21, 2005 - 18:06
"playing with matches, a girl could get burned."

disclaimer, please read

okay, so i went to see star wars today at noon. to my surprise, people were still walking around in effing capes with lightsabers.

not like this has anything to do with the aforementioned thought, but i swear, some people weigh star wars more heavily than religion and politics, and that's just creepy.

extremely creepy.

it exists, it really exists.

i've also been thinking about something else. isn't it ironic how deceiving sight is but accounts for 90% of our perception?

i mean, how do we decipher what something really is if our perception isn't correct?

it's one thing to see things for how they are, how we want them to be, and how society wants us to perceive them, but how does discernment come into place? discernment just has more to do with perception, and perception has everything to do with sight, and sight is often times misleading and perplexing.

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