May. 13, 2005 - 14:23
"babies of the 80's, shout it out just one more time, for the generation that was all mine!!!"

disclaimer, please read

so i just had to save myself from running out towards the icecream man. it was actually an icecream woman.

i couldn't go outside because i'm a poor kid, and that doesn't go over so well when i need to save my money for necessities, not icecream shaped like mickey mouse's head with blue bubble gum eyes adorning it. geeze, i like those though.

it sucks and it doesn't help that i live in a neighborhood loaded full of children because they increase the amount of volume the icecream truck visits.

well, i guess it is a good thing there are a lot of children in this neighborhood, so i'm not the only one purchasing icecream every single time. you should have seen this kid vicious before in my old subdivision, i would run out psychotically to the icecream man waving dollar bills and change at him. "I WANT THE BUZZ LIGHTGEAR KIND, NNNOOOOO! I WANT THE MONSTERS INC. ONE! (that one only has one blue bubblegum eyeball.)" man, i must have looked crazy to him, but what can i say, i like my sweets. :)

i still have the stomach flu and hope i get better soon, like in three hours. i have a sleepover with some of the best girls in the world tonight and we've made plans to go dirtbiking tomorrow and stuff of the sort.

i know i'm going over, i'm not contagious, but if i'm not feeling well i'll have to be lame and go home. i told my sister this, who is by the way, reliving the 80's, maybe not reliving, just never made the transition into the 21st century.

she wears her hair with bangs cut strait across her forehead, hair feathered out, checkered shirts, capris with tube socks and loafers. yes, she's classic.

anyway, i told her i might have to leave and come home (since i live with her) and she was like, "what? you can't do that! you need to get out more and have fun and live your life. you are a young girl and you don't go out."

"sis, you make me sound lame"

"well..." and starts hystically cracking up at me.

that's nice. i just got told i'm lame by a woman that never made it out of the 80's. i love that kid though.

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