Jan. 27, 2005 - 11:54
Hotel Rwanda

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"Europe thinks that America breeds terrorism. They see the flaws of captiolism, they see the distinct segregation of the caste system. They see a sexually charged society, crime rates higher than any other industrialized nation. Turkey contains a high population of Muslims and allows Arabs to freely pass through their country nearly difficulty free, but America and it's media contorted society is spreading world wide propaganda that these people are constantly conducting terrorist action against each other and us, no matter what part of the world, and the US feels, very unilaterally, that action needs to be done about it. Action against what? Europe feels the US is spreading terrorism by creating propaganda merely because of a mistunderstanding of culture and a lack of good judgement. They feel that if this is what democracy is, they don't want it."

"Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." Albert Einstein

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