Feb. 17, 2005 - 12:14
golden lights in the city of trees

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the state of idaho's largest publicized paper has coined this area "mormon and military country" today, which couldn't be of anymore truth.

my grandmother, whom i spent the first few years of my birth chose my name because it means "mighty" in greek (although i'm more certain she named me after the protagonist in the thorn birch).

french travellers exclaimed this city le bois', which translated means, "the trees", while travelling through the vast desert lands of the oregon trail.

pig is the olde english word for the animal where pork is the word which means cooked pig.

it's interesting to think of the origin of names and the cultures or beliefs that lead to them.

i stayed home from school ill today. i think i have strept throat again. i know, i'm very susceptible to the illness. if i do have strept throat, it will be the third occurance in two months.

i'm going to school to turn in my government homework, and hopefully cough on these juniors that persistantly irritate me, while i'm at it.

and then, go to some local stores to hoard up on 50% off valentine's day candy. i love the days after hallmark holidays.

what am i writing about? i'm writing about nothing. that's what i do here. i write about nothing. all in good fun though, and boredom of taste.

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