May. 15, 2005 - 22:29
a doll's house

disclaimer, please read

you've always been there, hidden among the midst, to give me an upperhand,

when times when i thought i was standing by myself, surviving by myself.

you were always keeping watch of my next step, my next breathe.

if you were visible, if i acknowledged your work,

i would have been upset.

this girl, bear, is too old and too tired to be a doll in your house,

to accept the validation of someone else,

when all i wanted was reliance on myself.

but i'm glad you were always there for me, to look out for me,

in times when i was struggling, when times were puzzling,

i'm glad you were there for me.

thank you kid.

i will be a doll in your house.

-----------------------------------------------more crap about this entry that i didn't originally leave in :)

your smile illuminates my face. i can't believe the way you make me feel standing on the street

leaning against my car

pulled over in mid-traffic,

making cars drive around us.

our words flow together like a nice wine. i drink of your syllables, and swallow you whole.

i reminisce of those single moments of us together that can not compare with any others

of our snowball fights, your open arms, and warm smiles and hugs.

can i embrace you harder so that these memories never become?

three years ago, i wondered how your lips would taste.

three years present, i do not bother to fathom.

i know you true, i know you whole.

i could fall in love with you.

we would make a good couple.

you hated my boyfriend, i hated you.

you knew he was wrong, i thought i was right.

you still held me when i cried.

platonic friend, why are we just in a platonic relationship?

you were always there for me, and i want to be there for you now.

p.s., i'm sorry i called you douchbag for three strait months behind your back. what?

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