May. 28, 2005 - 00:03
beautiful people always have a strange fascination with funny looking asian girls.

disclaimer, please read

just a disclaimer...i'm full of random tangents tonight, more than usual. i'll blockquote the more random ones.

i was inspecting my sunburn in the mirror from attending "field day" with my niece.

it's odd because i haven't been burnt since i was nine (at the end of the summer after months of being in a convertable in idaho weather). and it was only 75 degrees today.

new neighbors are moving in. one of them is male and looks to be about my age. hope they are nice.

anyway, about my sunburn, or field day, or whatever i was talking about, i made a new friend today, and she must be atleast in her late thirties (she has five children, the oldest 18).

i've been making a lot of new friends. a lot of old friends. parents.

i've been volunteering at my niece's school lately, and i've befriended both men and women double my age.

geeze. i'm getting so lame. and boring.

tonight i turned down a party to go to the gym.

i was the only one at the gym, besides an elderly man. i went two hours before it closed, which is usually their busiest time...on any night except friday.

yep. that's why i turned down a party. to hang out with some old guy at the gym.

he was nice though.

he helped me rack my weights

oh yes, what i originally intended to write about, observing myself in the mirror, i blatantly starred at my face for a second or two, and i thanked God that i'm not anything more than what i am (physically) because when a boy likes me, i'll understand it's not just because of my looks.

i'm thankful for everything.

time to drive to my parents house. they demand i stay there on the weekends.

my hair is soft right now. i love bedhead conditioner

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