Mar. 15, 2005 - 15:10
the reintroduction of arsenide...

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i've been pondering the different "wonder" careers.

"wonder" careers-careers which take phenomenally strong individuals who perform intrinsic tasks which require integrity and ingenuity on a daily basis (whether they carry out their tasks or not is another thing):

01. emergency medical crew
02. government workers, more especially:
03. intelligence workers (carrying around a cyanide pill as part of one's uniform is very loyal).
04. politicians
05. those that work alongside the judicial branch. judges, caseworkers, etc.
06. and the specific sects such as the child protective services of the department of health and welfare.
07. doctors that pay the medicaid tab to treat patients that can't afford it themselves.
08. firecrew, especially those in the mountain west that risk their lives every day of the job.
09. police men that believe in protecting their citizens.
10. teachers. (especially because of their passion to do so despite the low pay.)
11. caregivers (na's, cna's, licensed caregivers). it takes an extremely strong individual to work in an environment such as a hospice, for example, where terminally ill paitents go to die.
12. and those that work with the disabled.
13. and in mental health/substance abuse. (mental health workers are so low in many states, they are hiring anyone with the minimum requirements whether certified for mental health or not).
14. translators, foreign or disabled. those willing to speak for those that are unable to.
15. pediatric doctors.
16. art therapists. have you ever watched a show such as law & order where someone has given a young child a doll and asked the child where they were touched (sexually abused)? that is an example of part of an art therapist's job.
17. community members such as kiwanis that work to fix current issues in the community without pay.
18. nuclear medical engineers. these people work in hazardous environments to create cures for illnesses, from anything from the common cold to cancer, and also create vaccines and medications, often exposing themselves to the deadly viruses (before their dormant stage) which are used to create the vaccines.
19. nurses. 2-6 years of school for the same pay that is usually offered in entry level positions or the trades. plus the blood, the vomit, and the "other fluid". a grotesque exposure to disease. ick.
20. suicide hotline volunteers. yep. these people are volunteers although nursing/medical schools usually require their students to complete a certain amount of hours of this. other than that, it's all caring people giving their time for others.

so pretty much in other words, anyone that has an incredible amount of passion for what they do, self-sacrificing, patient, and honest.

i'm amazed by these people, especially the ones that don't care for the prestige or money that some of these jobs have to offer. i'm amazed by what these people do. i don't know know if i could do any jobs that require so much of myself, but i'll do my best.

there are so many other jobs, just not on the top of my mind right now. leave a comment if you can think of any and i will add them to the list.

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