Apr. 17, 2005 - 23:12
school tomorrow, bitchin'

disclaimer, please read

don't get addicted to vicodin.

don't think he is your world when he's not.

forget about sorrow for a second.

do your homework.

go to sleep, you insomniac.

forgive others.

don't take yourself so seriously.

learn how to type fast.

read an actual book.

open doors for those behind you.

pick up what people drop and return it.

say you're sorry.

when it's not your fault.

give pbs a try once again.

remember mcdonalds isn't food, literally.

remember eighth grade health class, all of it.

you can get gonorreah, (i don't even know the spelling, thank God) if you sleep with a slut.

processed food doesn't process in your stomach very easily.

an excess of drugs hurts you.

a female can get moody during "that time of the month".
please forgive her. even you get irrational sometimes.

if you don't exercise, you will die. fat and morbid.

don't take me too seriously.

never take anything too seriously.

man is just man.

even the smartest of men can not ammount to the diety or creator that constructed these cells

to coalign each other so perfectly.

to make us so that we respond to others merely by scent.

that we can find our own true mate just by looking them in the eyes and whoring their pheromones.

whether one is pagan, christian, jewish, budhist, etc.,

spirituality, in any form, is pleasant in a way

it shows respect. and quietness. and humility.

all we ever really wanted.

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